Sunday, November 30, 2014

Sitting in with Avocates

I heard from a North Shore trombonist I'd played with before with an invitation to sit in with the Avocates Swing Band. The only downside is the location - Beverly. Turns out I'd met a handful of these guys before. The band rehearses at Dane Street Church, the same place where the resident community band plays, also where I'd played the Missud session a while back.

In any case, it was super fun. I played the second book and had a great time sightreading - mostly sightreading anyway. We started off with Bandstand Boogie, which I hadn't played or heard since I played it in high school! It came flooding right back, though, and I powered through with nary a missed note or rhythm, garnering accolades from the git-go.

The band is fun and interesting, just a pain in the neck to get to. If I can manage it, I hope to play regularly with them.

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